Monday, November 9, 2009

Don't You Wish Your Boyfriend Was Hot

Like Mine. Sing it now - you know he is!!!
But, this isn't just a gratuitous "look at my hot boyfriend" post - believe it or not, I took this picture, at least in part, for you to see the scarf I knit for him. When it was done, I told him I thought it would look good with a pea coat, and so he bought one. And now he's mega-hot. Just sayin.

And on the note of scarves, this is the latest in the traveling scarf saga.
I think it's the nicest one so far, although this is undoubtedly the worst picture I've taken. I put this off til the last minute (I know - whoa! shocker!!), and barely got it mailed out by the deadline - and then when I got to the post office, I realized I hadn't taken a picture yet, so I took a shot on the hood of my car, with the sun beaming down behind me, so yes - that's my shadow on the scarf. So, it may be difficult to tell, but you'll just have to take my word for it - it's definitely the best of the lot so far.

Otherwise, I've put all my other projects aside for now so I can get some chemo-caps knit up in time for Clara's retreat, which is now less than 2 weeks away. For those of you new to the blog, Clara Parkes is a knitter extraordinaire, who has published a few knitting books, and who has a "Knitters Review" newsletter she publishes monthly. And once a year, she has a retreat in Massachussets, and this will be my third year. I go, primarily, to hook up with friends that are also faithful to come every year. Anyway, we normally have some sort of charity we knit for, and this year (and last), it's hats for patients who have undergone chemotherapy. So, I knit one last night (in alpaca - i understand that the most important thing about the hats is that they be seamless, and in a nice, soft yarn), and I'd like to get 3 more knit up before I leave next Friday. Hats are such a nice, quickie project, it's not really a challenge to knit 4 in two weeks.
Actually, the challenge this year, will be staying on my diet at this retreat. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Oh, and this last shot is for my family - cuz by now I'm sure they're missing all the fall color they got to see while they were here.


Leslie said...

See you soon. Drive safe!

Unknown said...

Hot????You'd be hot too if u wore a pea in 70 degree weather...Do not buy a used car from this man...I repeat, DO NOT

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