Thursday, August 20, 2009

Posting pictures

As usual, I procrastinated getting pictures taken of my knitting, which means I didn't have anyone around to take a picture of me wearing it - so it's just hanging up, or laying down, or whatever, but at least you can see I've been busy.

First, here's the Beachcomber Tunic - still in progress. As you can see, once I got it on the blocking boards, the decreases became much more obvious on the front piece, so I'm going to have to rip that back and go at it again. You can't say I'm not getting plenty of practice with my crochet on this piece.
Back looks good though - i think -and after only three tries! The next, most recently completed, is my Silky Liesl, knit up in Art Fibers Kyoto, in an autumn-like colorway (color #27). I really love the lacy hang of this, but wish I'd made the yoke bigger. The funny thing is, the reason I didn't is because someone else on Ravelry lamented that she wished hers was smaller. Oh well. She's probably a tiny little thing.
This quickie, fun little cardigan was made from Be Sweet magic ball-which has several different fibers all knotted together. It was very quick, very easy to make, but I had to keep re-knotting the fibers together. I never bothered to block this, and it really needs it - have worn it several times. Very cute.
Finally, this Noro cardie is one of my favorites - I think it's very elegant, but also VERY warm, so it's going to have to wait for winter.
So, here's some news. I'm trying to get the SigO to do an entry in my blog - one per week type thing. We're thinking of calling it SigO Soundoff, and I'd let him talk about whatever he wants. It's going to take me some convincing though - he thinks it's too much pressure. So, feel free to offer some encouragement!

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