Monday, September 17, 2007

First Sock is DONE!!

I've mostly just been knitting on this sock whenever I was stuck in traffic, so I was a little surprised when, the last time I picked it up, it looked like I should start decreasing for the toe. So, the sock is done, but I don't have a picture yet.
For that matter, first top is done pic for that yet either. Both to be posted tomorrow.
I'm currently working on a pair of socks for the SigO. Using the Seeded Ribbing pattern from Getting Started Knitting Socks by Ann Budd. Pic for that to be provided when it's a lot closer to being done. I've already had to frog it back twice, so that may be a while.
Other than finishing up first sock, I really didn't have a lot of time for knitting, or much of anything else this weekend. We went biking down in the necks of Virginia. Very scenic, largely undiscovered area of northern VA. We came across an historic church, built in 1735 called ChristChurch.

The SigO took a moment to read the 10 Commandments.

A few miles from here, we stopped for lunch at the Tides Inn, where we enjoyed this view from our table. The meal was as good as the view too, with both of us eating a light lunch of Blue Crab Quesadilla's.

The remaining ride was pretty close to 30 miles, for an overall trip of 35 miles. Mostly flat, but in a strong headwind, it didn't feel it.

We camped out at Westmoreland State Park and ate an even better meal, as is always the case when you cook steaks over a camp fire.

So, with Saturday full of fun and Sunday full of responsibility (homework, yardwork, blech!), not much time was available for knitting, but it was a pretty grand weekend anyway.

The sock yarn did get to visit the campsite, it just didn't get to get out much since I was a little too wiped out by the time we got back to do any knitting.

Almost as exciting as finishing first sock was coming home from the camp trip and finding this on my doorstep. I saw these on Emicat's blog and HAD to have them...they came pretty quickly (from Knit Picks). They're even more gorgeous in person!
And the last tidbit of exciting news....3 more days til the Yarn Harlot is here!! Woo Hoo!!!!

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