Monday, September 24, 2007

Spring Cleaning for the Fall

I'm having my basement refinished to be a media/sewing room, which means I had to clear out all the stuff down there this weekend, and that includes my storage space. Who needs a stairmaster when you can lug trunks full of holiday decorations, kite-surfing gear, bikes, hiking gear, camping gear, etc, etc, etc up 13 steps (you better believe I counted) over and over and over again!
And then, typical me, when I finished earlier than expected, I totally had the cleaning/organizing bug, so I completely emptied out the pantry and scrubbed it down, then reorganized everything so I could fit in all the huge boxes we buy from Costco now without having to stack them on the floor. Then I cleaned out the fridge. Then I did some gardening. In fact, the only knitting I got done was to actually frog back the SigO's sock to a point before I lost track of the ribbing.

I did get my September Block of the Month for Carol Doak's challenge done Sat night though, so it the weekend wasn't completely creative-free

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Cool square. And we were clearly separated at birth: I cleaned out my pantry and the china cupboard today.