Thursday, September 27, 2007

First Sock Part Deux Enjoys the Sunrise

First sock part deux just wanted to have her picture taken with this morning's sunrise...she thought it was a very nice one.
As you can see (barely), she's coming along and, surprisingly enough, there is still some yarn left...I still think I'll have to take Katrin's advice and knit up the toe in something else...but I think I'll at least make it to the toe...I had some serious doubts about that for a while.
Yesterday I went to visit a yarn shop in Chantilly, first time there, even though it's very near where I work. It's called Capital Yarns and is staffed by some VERY fun people. I bought two balls of Berroco Zen (55% cotton, 45% Nylon)

and three hanks of Berroco Bonsai (97% Bamboo, 3% Nylon)

(I've discovered I get far better pictures of the yarn by just taking them off the internet!)
and Modular Knits by Iris Schreier. I intend to make this scarf from the yarn and the book:
Pretty gorgeous huh? I was really amped about it at the time, so I went home and promptly put the Bonsai on the swift. MISTAKE! Here is my dire warning to you! This yarn is gorgeous, but if you buy it, make sure they wind it for you at the shop! If they already know you have your own swift at home, lie, cheat or steal, whatever it takes, to NOT wind this stuff for yourself! It loves to slip and slide all over the place, so it won't stay on a nice neat little ball. Instead, it slides down, up, and all over the place so what you have at the end of extensive time and effort is a center-pull mess! It took me about an hour to get three little hanks wound up! But I'm sure it will be well worth the effort in the end! I'm sure I'll look just like the model when I'm done! Oscar Red Carpet 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that the yarn the pattern calls for? If not, it looks like a great substitute.