Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Life Work Balance Not in Balance

While I've been hip deep in paint, ceramic tile, speaker wire and u-bends, it's been a bit tough to do any serious knitting. Yep, it's the dreaded home renovation. I can't wait for the end result, but getting there is really screwing with my play time. So, while the house progresses, the only knitting I've done is on my brother's sock:

This is my answer to his request for "red and green socks", without giving him something worthy of the grinch. What he really wanted was argyle...apparently he hasn't got a full grasp of what I mean when I tell him I've only been knitting for one year. But he did relent and downgraded his request to stripes. But really, how do you knit red and green stripes without doing the grinch thing? Hopefully what I've done above.

Here's what I'd really like to do: Knit the exact opposite for his "matching" sock. So, red leg, green heel, red foot, green toe. I know the general consensus is to have the socks match perfectly, but wouldn't that be more fun? For me, at least?

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