Thursday, April 2, 2009

Land Down Below

Well, here I am in the Australian Capital Territory and so far I haven't seen any women rolling nor have I witnessed any men thundering. I have seen some Vegemite, if not in the packaging of a sandwich though. I've not had the guts to taste it yet. Every non-Aussie (pronounced Ozzie - and don't you DARE forget it, let me tell you!) tells me Vegemite is disgusting and every Aussie I've spoken to thus far assures me it's quite tasty. So, you can see my reluctance.
Despite all the hype and hoopla, they are not a crazy, rowdy bunch of ruffians. In fact, most times I have to strain to hear them since with their accents and typical soft-spoken natures, it's not at all easy to understand them. They all keep assuring me it's because I haven't gotten them drunk enough. One man actually encouraged me to show him some jugs and he'd be more voluble. Since this was in front of everyone, and during work, I stood there and sputtered for a moment before he finished his sentence -he wanted me to show him some jugs of beer...that was his story anyway.
As I'm here on business and the days have been rather long, I've not had the chance to do much knitting, much less go shopping for yarn, but I do expect that to be remedied tomorrow or sometime this weekend.
I've not seen any kangaroos yet. Also to be remedied this weekend. I did see quite a lot of wild birds here - birds that many Americans pay a small fortune for - like cockatiels, parakeets, etc. The state bird is the Magpie that makes a nice trilling sound in the morning, but the crows here are very odd - they look the same, but they sound like an infant with an evil laugh. I assure you, if I can get a good recording of it, I'll post it here.
I've gotten a few good shots on my camera, but as I was too dimwitted to bring along the cord that connects it to the laptop, all pictoral proof that I'm alive and well down here will have to wait for a bit.
Anyway, that's my post from Down Under. To be continued later as the opportunity presents itself.
BTW, I LOVE morning and afternoon tea. Yes - we do breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner - I'm going to need two seats on the flight back home.
Until then, G'day mate!

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