Thursday, August 16, 2007

An All-American Weekend

Once upon a time, in a land of milk and honey, I had scads of free time that I used to quilt and cross-stitich my little heart out (I hadn't learned to knit yet). And during that time of bliss, all too short lived, I attended a Moonlight Madness Quilting Party. My shop only hosts this event once a year and when I stopped in last weekend, I was stunned to find them already setting up for the next party. Could it be true that an entire year had passed? I mean, surely, even though I'm not the carefree flower child I was last year, I could finish a quilt top in the span of a year!

Can I get an AMEN Sisters! The top is done!! And now I can work on the top I started at the Quilt Oddysey in Hershey, PA. I know, I know. I'm supposed to be working on my best friend's quilt. And I will. Honest. What, you don't believe me just because I've been saying that since Feb 2005?! Unfair!

But, of course, none of this explains the title of this blog....

So, Sunday, the SigO and I hopped on our bikes, as is our tradition, and pedalled off in a different direction than we would normally head. And in our wanderings we meandered into our local regional park, which sits right on the river. We'd both been down in this park before, but had never bothered to really explore around and see what it had to offer and lo and behold, they have a batting cage!! After hitting 160 balls between the two of us, we sat by the river and ate ice cream. I mean, really, how can you top that? I'll tell you how.....
Mani's and Pedi's all-around my friends! That's how. It was the SigO's first time and as you can see, he was really enjoying himself.
And that's what I call an All-American Weekend.
Baseball, ice cream, beer (you know there was beer!) and pampering.

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