Wednesday, August 8, 2007

To Purrr or not to Purrr

As I read other peoples blogs and see all the adorable cats, more and more I miss having one of my own. I decided it wasn't safe to have a cat when I took a job that could potentially have me out of town four days out of every week. It just didn't seem right to me to have a cat home alone that frequently...even if I got more than one. But these days, I've been getting to stay home more and more and the temptation gets stronger and stronger. Especially today when I heard about the cat show coming to my area. It got even stronger when I googled "adopt a cat" and found the pet finder. There are so many cats in need of a home out there.....

So, here are my questions to anyone who reads this blog (all three of you):

1. If you have a cat(s), how often do they interfere with your knitting/stitching/quilting?
2. How often have you come home to find your favorite yarn that you left sitting out in a tangled mess all over the living room? Or the quilt you had designed and laid out, waiting to be sewn up, scattered across the room?
3. If you potentially had to be away from home every single week and could only see your cat on weekends, would you still get a cat or would you think that too cruel?

Does it sound to you like I'm really not ready? I mean listen to all these questions/doubts I have. I keep telling myself I don't really want a cat because of all the above mentioned reasons. And then I see something like this.

Or worse, something like this

Maybe I should just get this

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's probably no one answer to this question.

I had cats during my spinning/knitting period. One was blase about the yarn, the other thought fleece was wonderful stuff to eat and sucked on knitted items whenever she got the chance. They both did the kitten thing by unraveling balls of yarn, but they were more destructive towards plant life.

The current cat-in-residence was adopted as an adult. She considered my quilt frame a comfy hammock until I got one that tilted up. She likes to sit on fabric, but all in all she ignores sewing activity.

I do know that the cat would miss me terribly if I wasn't home for a few days. For after all, how can she ignore me if I'm not there?