Friday, September 21, 2007

First Sock Has Known Greatness

The Yarn Harlot HELD First Sock.I'm pretty sure I've never smiled this big before in my life. I told her it was first sock, but third iteration, so she labeled it First Sock 3.0, and so it shall be, forevermore. I tried to abscond with the Harlot's traveling sock and stick her with First Sock 3.0, but she was having nothing of it! The funny thing is, First Sock 3.0 looks pretty good with her holding it, don't you think? It's almost as though it threw its little shoulders back, stuck out its little chest and said "I am sock, hear me roar!"

I got a lot of knitting done on First Sock Part Deux (I can't call it second sock because I squeezed in another pair, plus started a pair for the SigO between First Sock 3.0 and it's successor.) and am now on the foot portion of that sock.

Two hours before she arrived, I took this picture. I got a pretty decent seat, right in the middle, only about five rows back from the Harlot, but I didn't even know I was supposed to get a "Line Ticket" to get my book signed. By the time I had figured that out, I was #121. I didn't get up to meet her until 11PM. I'd feel sorry for myself, but when she saw more of us trooping in to get their books signed, she laid her head down on her desk and just stayed there for a while trying to recoup. She was totally cool in person as well as when she was speaking. When I showed her how much yarn I have left for First Sock Part Deux (I'm in complete denial...there's no way there's enough yarn there to finish the sock), she didn't give me some cheery encouragement, she just looked at it and said "Yeah, you're screwed!"

I sat next to four great women from Winchester, VA (about 2 hrs away)

They completely welcomed me into their group and we had a good time chatting about, well, what else, knitting; while we waited for Stephanie. Amanda's blog link is now in my list of blogs I like to read. She refers to herself as Mander, so that's what I'm using too. I also met Lee after Stephanie was done talking. She, like me, hadn't gotten her line ticket quickly enough, so she was #123. She's on my list of blogs now too. It was great meeting other knitters who are also bloggers.

The creme de la creme: The Yarn Harlot taking pictures of us from the vantage point of the traveling sock!


Anonymous said...

It was so fun talking with you last night! =)

First Sock 3.0, lol, I love it!

Anonymous said...

I can only be grateful to have shared the light reflected from the glory of First Sock. It was a great night.

Anonymous said...

Check out the Yarn Harlot. Yeah, you're there!