Monday, July 20, 2009

Home! Home! Home!

I'm thrilled to be back home, back in the arms of my cutie-patootie! I got to move my flight up a day early, so got home Friday night, which was a pleasant surprise for all of us.

Don't get me wrong. Den Haag is a great place. It's right on the beach, and it's a lovely beach - long strip of sand to stroll down. We had a beautiful rainbow that you can just barely see peeking out of the clouds.
I went to Taste a few more times and enjoyed lounging as long as I wanted while sampling different wines. That's one concept I wish restaurants/bars in the U.S. would adopt - not everyone is in an all fired-up rush to eat, drink and leave. Sometimes, you just want to sit back and relax for a while.
The folks that designed the Netherlands Forensic Institute (where I worked all week) are pretty clever. They put in different types of soil in the courtyard so that the plants growing there would be different and make a fingerprint design. It's easier to see the design in this older satellite picture before the plants went in, but it still looks pretty cool, even with the plants.
Yes - it was raining - practically the entire time I was there. We had two nice days of weather.

Also, these same designers have a quirky sense of humor. As you can see on this satellite picture, there are six courtyards in the building,and in each courtyard, there's a different "artistic" layout. I have no idea what's up with the bunnies, but there it is.
Another fun experience before I headed out was a seasonal meal of raw herring, served with onions and pickles on a bun. Sort of the Dutch version of hotdogs - but yummier (to me) and a little healthier.
I barely knit anything while I was over there. Caught up on my reading instead. But, I'm back in full swing now and have almost finished Liesl. I'm putting full length sleeves on mine, and using Art Fibers Kyoto, which is primarily silk (raw), in a golden-yellow color (colorway 27). I have one sleeve left to knit, then I can block it and find some buttons for it. No seaming on this baby. Woo Hoo!
Again - it's good to be home.

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