Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thirsty Thursday - Sure could go for a beer

This was one of those weeks where the minutiae will just wear you down after a while, making you want to go sit out on the deck and swig beer until you forget all the BS you had to deal with.

So, in that spirit, my top five favorite beers:

5. Hoegaarden - pronounced whogarden - is a white beer brewed in Belgium. They add coriander and orange peels to the mix when they brew it. It's crisp and very refreshing. It, like most Belgian beers, is served in its own special glass. Oh, and it's 5% alcohol. Hooray!
4. Rogue Yellow Snow IPA - Big, and Hoppy. This is their tribute ale to winter sports - you get it - yellow snow - anyway, they add juniper berries to the mix when they brew it. It almost makes you crave a hearty bowl of soup. Very tasty - nice bitter finish.
3. Stella Artois - Brewed in Leuven, Belgium (notice a trend here?) since 1366. Another hoppy beer, which I like best served with a slice of lemon. It was first brewed as a Christmas beer and gets its name from the Christmas star - Stella.
2. Pilsner Urquell - The Original Pilsner. Brewed in the Czech Republic in a city called Pilsen - and hence, Pilsner became a standard word for beer brewed in this fashion. Urquell means Original Source. This pils, in my opinion, is still the standard for all others to compare against
1. Corona Light - I know - after all those fancy, luscious beers, this is the one I drink the most. It's just SO crisp and so perfect with a slice of lime - and so refreshing on those hot days. I'll never forget my first - pulled out of a tub of ice by a guy on the scorching streets of Laredo, Mexico. Sometimes, it's the simple things that rock your world.

Of course, I should add a few warnings:

1. Like all these sites say - Please Drink Responsibly.

And equally important

2. Friends don't let friends knit drunk. I mean - really - do you know how much I've ripped due to one too many of #1 up there?

1 comment:

Carlee Brian said...

totally agree with this post and yes, your nephew is FINE.. why, that is why i married him..hee-hee!!!