Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wicked Wednesday - New Car

I apologize for not posting yesterday or last Wednesday. Last Wednesday I had bloggers block. I just couldn't come up with something wicked. I'm sure you understand. It's tough for such a sweet young innocent like myself to come up with wicked thoughts.
Just look at this face.
What? I'm sorry? You say that picture is over 25 years old? We must have a bad connection - I can't quite make out what you're trying to say.

Anyway, the reason I didn't post yesterday is because I was out spending excessive amounts of money on

Yes, Bob, what have we got for the young lady? Why it's a Toyota Highlander Hybrid Limited!!!
Yes - it has occured to me just how much space there is in the back for when I go on yarn binges.
And That's Wicked!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way cool!!!! VERY NICE!! Bet you won't have a problem getting your bikes in that!!
