Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Time Travel - Day 3 - Last day in Maine

By this point in the vacation, we were pretty whooped. As you'll soon discover, we hiked an average of two good hikes a day, and our legs were mostly rubber by Friday. Which isn't to say we vegged, or even rested really, but Friday was more an attack on Acadia, as opposed to the more typical conquering Acadia.

We started out on Dorr mountain.
This was my first time on this climb. It is most notable for the gajillions of blueberries.
You already know that blueberries grow wild all over Acadia, but they're typically somewhat picked clean by everyone who has preceded us. I don't know if Dorr mountain just isn't as popular a climb, or if the berries are simply more prolific on the path, but we could have baked a pie each just on what we ate, not to mention all we left behind. The views on the hike are, naturally, beautiful, as is every hike in Acadia.
And it was your typical Acadia hike - i.e., "where the blankety blank blank is the top of this blankin' mountain!?" As long as the climb felt, it had many stunning moments, especially considering how incredibly blue the sky was that day.
It felt like we could see for miles in some places - much better visibility than usual.

Despite the height, the hike was a lot of fun...going up.

Coming down sucked. With a capital SUCK. We started down the wrong way and instead of back-tracking, we took a different route that, I'm pretty positive, was one degree shy of tucking up into a ball and simply rolling down the effin' mountain.

You might put on your pedantic hat and tell us that in the future we should be sure to follow markers and cairns, to which I would reply, after some choice expletives and stinging insults, that obviously, we did. It's just that there are cairns and markers all over the place - they mark every possible route down the mountain - even the ones best left for billy goats - or teenagers like H-Boo, who is now dubbed little miss bouncy feet - and not altogether too affectionately, to be honest.

Anyway, so that was the hike of the morning. We had Pizza and beer for lunch - and considering I'm currently doing P90X again, you have no idea how much it pains me to remember that particular lunch. You know how incredible beer tastes after a really long, hot hike (or bike ride, or yard work, or...OK, yes - or any damn time of day at all!! There! I said it! I miss Beer!! And Wine!! And... oh - whoops, sorry - let me get back on topic).

After cleaning up, etc, we hung out until sunset and walked across to Bar Island. Bar Island is a little island a few hundred feet away from Bar Harbor and is only accessible during low tide, when a bar (hence the name - get it? get it? Do you get it? Cuz sometimes I'm not sure you get it? - oh - and you can thank the SigO for that little piece of annoyance) of sand is exposed that is sufficient to walk across. I was pretty much pegged out on taking pictures by this time, so we have to rely on the SigO for those shots. I only have one to share.
Aren't we just beyond adorable?! So sweet it makes your teeth hurt, doesn't it?
Bar Island is probably the best place from which to view Bar Harbor. Plus the walk across is pretty great - crunching up sea shells all the way across, with the sun slowly setting, making the sand glisten with all those incredible jewel tones. And the sea gulls calling. And just a general air of peace and quiet. It was probably the most perfect way to end the vacation - if there is such a thing as a perfect end to any vacation.
So, that was Friday in Acadia. Tune in tomorrow for the skinny on Thursday.

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