Monday, September 6, 2010

Time Travel - Day Two - College Campus

Continuing backwards through time, we (the SigO, H-Boo, and I) all went to check out her campus on our way home from Acadia. She's about 250 miles south of Acadia and 500 miles north of us. Let me tell you, the SigO is seriously suffering. Can't get through a movie with a father/daughter relationship without bemoaning the fact that his baby girl is 500 miles away. Last night, I almost picked up the phone to tell her she needs to cut her college career short because he just can't handle the separation.

But, I'm off topic - we stopped at her campus and took a bunch of pictures so when he talks to her, he can envision where she is at that moment.

So, here's the dorm.
Here's where she can hang out around a bonfire on chilly nights.
Here's the campus hammock - the only campus hammock - you figure they draw lots for it? Take turns? - "OK, Thursday, 27 March - that's your day! Enjoy." The Library.
And assorted other campus buildings.

And then, there's the metropolis town across the street from the campus

Honestly, I don't know how we're going to keep her from the vast temptations, or the corruption of her poor innocent mind! How can we possibly protect her from the lure of the single blinking yellow light in town?
Ah, what exciting times. I can't wait to see the woman she become. I think the SigO is excited about it too...when he's not bawling his eyes out! *giggle snork*


マイルチャンピオンシップ 2010 said...

マイルチャンピオンシップ 2010 一般には漏れないデータを極秘公開。まさかの新事実が発覚!

短期 高額バイト said...


出合いサイト said...
