Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time Travel - Day Four - Thursday in Acadia

This year was my fourth trip to Acadia. Every year, we all climb up to the top of the Bubbles,and every year, the SigO says the same thing as he gazes at the mountain to our right: "I wonder if you can hike that mountain?" Followed by: "There's got to be a way to hike that mountain." and then: "One of these days, we're going to find the path on that mountain and hike up there!" The first year, I responded enthusiastically to each one of these: "Surely there is!", then "We should find it next year", and "Oh, yes! Absolutley! We should plan on it for next year!!" The second year I simply responded in the affirmative to each statement. The third year I used my standard refrain: "You say that every year." This year, there was no need, for yes, can I get a witness, we finally found the path and hiked the elusive (not really - we just never actually looked any of the other years) path up to (drum roll please) Jordan Cliffs.

This was, in my opinion, the best hike of the year. We got cheated out of the precipice this year (damn those slow-learning falcons anyway - how hard can it be to learn to fly?!), but Jordan Cliffs if very precipice-like in that you are using iron rungs, and scooching across a cliff face during much of the hike. It's not quite as "hanging on for dear life" as the precipice - as evidenced by the sign at the beginning of the path. It doesn't mention death at all. Unlike the sign for the precipice. We went backwards of what I believe they intended us to do. In some ways, this was a disadvantage - like when your butt is hanging over a sheer drop and you're trying to find your footing - and it would have been much easier going up that particular section as opposed to down. But in other ways, I liked it much better as the down-part of the hike was this nice, long, smooth rock face that wasn't hard on the ole knees at all.
Naturally the views along the climb were awesome.
The views of the landscape were pretty great too.
I was obsessed with this mushroom.I blame H-Boo. She bought this book on Fairy Homes with pictures of these eensy houses people build for fairies, and as soon as I saw this mushroom, I had this whole big fantasy going on about fairies living there. And then I was the fairy. And I could fly. And do magic. And...
whoops, there I go again.
Anyway, that's all the hiking we did on Thursday. The rest of the day was spent shopping, hanging out at our new favorite local bar (*sigh* Beer. *sigh*), and then finally the traditional trip to Stewman's - The Lobster Shack. Where the SigO did the traditional puppet show with the lobster carcass while H-Boo freaked out - especially when he practically flung it in her bucket when she was least expecting it. Oh, and when he named it Bob. That was special. I should probably warn her that he's been planning on finding some lobster antennae to use during one of their future skype sessions.
Tune in tomorrow for the annual Carriage Trail Bike Ride.

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