Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First Taosday

I thought it might be interesting to discuss "Going with the Flow" when it comes to DC traffic. This image was captured live from a traffic camera at 2PM in the DC metro area. 2 PM. NOT rush hour. You'll note it's somewhat heavy headed North, but almost stopped headed South. Again, this is NOT rush hour - although many who live in this area would claim there's really no such thing around here since traffic stinks all the time. But, that's not really my point today.
Here's the thing.
It's definitely less stressful to apply some taoist thinking to sitting in traffic and just "go with the flow".
No need to constantly shift lanes. It sux, no matter which lane you're in.
No need to try to get around the moron driving slowly in the fast lane. You'll only get stuck behind some other moron who can't read the sign that says Slower Traffic Keep Right. Yes, I know, all the traffic is slow, so why bother, but trust me, a great deal of our traffic problems around here come from people cruising in the passing lane with no regards for the fact that they're NOT PASSING ANYONE.
So, why stress over it, right? Just go with the flow. Take it easy. You'll get there when you get there.
And there is some seriously good advice in all that.
Here's my only problem.
If I do that, doesn't that just make me another head in the herd of cattle mooing along down the interstate?

What bothers me more?

Being stressed?
Road Rage


Being Cattle?


Carlee Brian said...

I don't see how you do it Jo everyday! I would lose my cool sitting in that constant congestion and a small middle finger perhaps would come out! At least you get some good conversations with your mom during it all! BTW, that is Uncle Rod's pool..something like you would see on HGTV huh?

Chelette said...

If this is your commute, I really understand now why you get such cool amazing trips. You deserve them wholeheartdly... Go home early today and beat the traffic. My sister travels to
Fredericksburg everyday to work from Greenbelt and I dont know how she does it but I believe the new Woodrow Wilson bridge helps alot..