Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taosday - Non-Judgement Day

According to Michael Greghorn, Taoism makes no moral distinction between right and wrong and judges no one.

I really like the "judges no one" part. Imagine the world if we just accepted each other as they are. Actually - we'd be like little kids - before they start judging their peers by what TV, Mom & Dad, and dogma teach them. You've seen it - a kid sees another kid, runs up to him/her and says "Hi! Wanna Play?" without regard to sex, ethnicity, size or any other measuring stick we seem to have so readily available to us when we grow out of this wonderful age. These same kids are the ones running into other people because they are so fascinated with their surroundings. How fun would that be, as adults, to just walk right into someone else - and then you both start giggling, and then run outside to play tag.

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