Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Taosday - Living in the Moment

Do you ever look back at old pictures of yourself and think "Hey, I looked pretty good in that picture!" You may even think "Wow, I wish I were that thin again."
Now, at the time the picture was taken, were you thinking "Man, I look good today." or "I sure am happy with my weight right now."

Never in my entire life have I been content with my self - as I was. I remember one time in my life, going for a run, and feeling exhiliarated that my muscles felt strong and powerful. And yet, now I look back on some of those times and wish I had them back. I wish for the pain-free days before I tore so many ligaments in my knees. I wish for this. I wish for that...

In other words, I'm doing it every day. Every day, I think "What if?" What if I were richer/thinner/smarter/faster/whatever. And how long before I'm looking back on today and thinking "Boy, I wish I had those days back"?

I know I don't usually go quite so deep on these blogs, but I think it's time I started enjoying the life I'm living - right now - instead of waiting for that "better life" that's right around the corner, just as soon as I...

So, here we go - living in the moment, right now. Except in traffic. And then, I'm sticking to "what if..."


Anonymous said...

Joviv, Be good to yourself! The world is sometimes not a nice place so we must be careful to be nice to ourselves nd stop the bad thughts. I know what you mean abut the "what ifs" and I try to turn off those voices to!

Anonymous said...

I can spell but I cannot type! Excuse the typos please!