Thursday, June 4, 2009

Therapy Thursday - Acupuncture

In an attempt to liven up my blog - and post more consistently, I've decided to have some fun with alliteration.
For now, that means the following:

Tuesday = Taosday

Wednesday = Wicked Wednesday

Thursday = Therapy Thursday

When I get sick of these alliterations, I'll switch to something else.

So, for my inaugural event, today we'll talk about Acupuncture.

According to Wikipedia, Acupuncture is a technique of inserting and manipulating fine filiform needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain or for therapeutic purposes.

According to my experience, it's a pretty vague discipline. When I went to an acupuncture clinic to see if it would help me lose weight, I asked the practitioner how it would work. Her answer was something along the lines of "Concentrating on your body will bring you more awareness of yourself and help in your weight loss efforts."

I don't need acupuncture to help me be more aware of my body as it relates to weight-loss. If that's all there is to it, I think we should all just eat in front of a mirror. Puts me off my feed every time!

1 comment:

Carlee Brian said...

your mom wants to know if KaCe posed for the accupuncture picture on your blog....LOL!!!